University of Washington Extension
Certificate Program in Unix/Linux Administration

Intensive Format

Summer Quarter, 2002

Homework Assignment 1

  • Each student should log into one of the 5 class servers.  All students should use the table below to determine which server is their "home" machine for the rest of the quarter.
    • Last names starting with A, B, C, D, or E:
    • Last names starting with F, G, H, I, or J:
    • Last names starting with K, L, M, N, or O:
    • Last names starting with P, Q, R, S, or T:
    • Last names starting with U, V, W, X, Y, or Z:
  • Log in using ssh with a username of <deleted for security> and a password of <deleted for security>
  • Switch users to root using the <deleted for security> password.  This is done by executing the "su -" command
  • Create a username for yourself and give yourself a password.  This is done by using the command "useradd username" and then "passwd username".  The italicized use of username in the above two commands means that you should replace it with your desired username.
  • Create a "bin" directory in your home directory.
  • Create a series of directories called:  hw1, hw2, hw3 ... hw12.  You will place any files or directories required for each homework assignment in the appropriate "homework" directory.
  • Email me with your username.  PLEASE SEND MAIL TO to aid in filtering.