Alwanza Home Extraordin-Air Team Final Project Linux Course Home
24. Create a cron entry that checks the status of all installed RPM packages and reports problems.  The problem reports can either be email to the team list or automatically posted to your team Web site.

What I did:

This is actually 2 cron jobs,
crontab -e
one to run the
rpm -V -a
command and write it to a file.
It runs at 2:00am and writes the output from the command to

This first cron job runs as root to avoid permission denial errors.

The second cron job runs at 3:13am, since the report is world-readable, I can run this second cron job as airmeryll.

This second cron job runs a perlscript,
/home/airmeryll/bin/ to process the output file from the first cron job (list only the missing rpms) and emails the findings to our team list.