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Project #5

Apply all Redhat 7.3 updates for


##    change identity to root/superuser
su -

##    enter password
cat /proc/cpuinfo

##    note type of cpu & check for multiple processors
cat /proc/meminfo

##    note amount of ram

###   Added by Meryll February 11, 2005

cd /usr/src/linux-version/arch/
##    look to see if you are running i386, i486, i586, or i686

###   END Added by Meryll February 11, 2005


##    exit from root and into your username
##    when you ftp into RedHat it works better to be username rather than root
/home/username$ mkdir redhat
cd redhat

##    name=anonymous, password=<>
cd 7.3/en/os/i386

##    "7.3" is a version number, substitute your version
##    "prompt" is a toggle that will turn interactive mode on or off
##    It is your choice using "prompt" whether you want mget to
##    ask about each file individually.
mget *

##    say yes for everthing except kernel item - select only doc & source
cd ../i686
mget kernel-2.4.18-5.i686.rpm

##    select single P III (non smb) and memory (ram) less the 4gb
su -

##    enter password
cd /home/rebel/redhat

##    remove all *.i386.rpm that have a corrosponding *.i686.rpm file (glibc)
mkdir kernel
mv kernel-* kernel
mv kernel /root/redhat_kernel
cd ..
mv redhat /root/redhat
cd /root/redhat
chown root *
chgrp root *

##    this takes a while as it "freshens" all the installed rpm packages
##    note no new packages are installed just updates
rpm -Fvh *.rpm

##    spot check a few packages to verify update
rpm -q apache

##    displays apache-1.3.23-14
chown root *
chgrp root *
cd ../redhat_kernel
rpm -Fvh *.rpm

##   reboot
shutdown -r now