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Updates as of January 4th, 2004
What's the Big News?
What's new or updated on Alwanza?
What hi-tech projects am I working on?
What else is going on in my life?
Any nature observances of interest?
Archive Table of Contents

What's the Big News?
Happy New Year, everyone!

Last Friday I got my stitches taken out.  Dr. McInnes says that my progress is better than expected.

At this point, I am hoping to be in a walking boot by the end of January.  I already have more dorsiflexion in my right ankle than I did before the surgery, as well as less pain.

This progress is in sharp contrast to the first surgery, three years ago when Dr. Bouchez performed the "reduction" on my left calf.  Dr. McInnes has encouraged me to do a lot of range of motion exercises and I think that is part of the difference.  I also think, maybe this kind of surgery has just gotten that much better in 3 years.  The stitches on the calf were definitely better this time.

Tom has been wonderful about fixing my meals, helping me bathe, taking me on outings, and doing lots of fetching.  In addition to the walker (which we kept from 3 years ago and find very useful), we rented a wheelchair and that is great for outings.  My behind hurts from so much sitting, but I guess I'll just have to stretch more and tough that one out.

What's new or updated on Alwanza?
The January colors are new, although they are the same as last year's.  Don't expect a lot more than that for a while.

What hi-tech projects am I working on?
I have some time to read while I am recooperating from my surgery, so I am going to try to learn sendmail.

The BFREE website is currently down, and we are working on getting it back up. 

What else is going on in my life?
I've been going to work.  This week will be my first 40 hour week since the surgery.  The other weeks were interrupted by holidays.

Any nature observances of interest?
The pinesiskins have finally figured out our "upside-down" feeder.  Other birds at the feeder include:  house sparrows, house finches, chickadees, nuthatches, bushtits, flickers, and juncos feeding on the ground.  Today we also saw a bunch of robins.