Alwanza Home
Bells & Whistles
style sheet for this page Alwanza Bells and Whistles
style sheet tutorial


This page is for interesting pieces of code, special projects, & useful tools.
WSDOT Traffic Spy Cams

Web Status Codes

Sample Form with some JavaScript client-side validation

Browser Detection in Javascript

Spying in Javascript

Spying in Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl

Under-utilized HTML tags

HTML tags, an alphabetized listing

Pop-up window     Works in Netscape6, too!

The Sky                 
    contains code for controlled identical table settings
     in both Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer

Frames demonstration

Get Back Javascript to return you to previous page

Things that work in Internet Explorer and not Netscape

Things that work in Netscape and not IE


File not Found
     This page will display a "File not found" message with an imbedded stylesheet.
     Then an automatic refresh will direct you back to this page.

Alwanza Homepage     
     This is a regular link that opens a new location on a click event in the same browser window, using JavaScript.
      <a href="javascript:open('', '_self');" onMouseOver="window.status='' ;return true;">

Analysis of Stylesheet with Font Size in Points

Analysis of Stylesheet with Font Size in Pixels